Multimedia from BibleTech:2010
The BibleTech:2010 conference was a great time! On Friday night we had the largest birds-of-a-feather session centered around Web APIs for Scripture.
Open Scriptures API: Unified Web Service for Scriptural Linked Data
By Weston Ruter
Video: Vimeo
Slides: Keynote
Audio: MP3
Using Pinax and Django For Collaborative Corpus Linguistics
By James Tauber
Watch video on Vimeo, and see also his talk on A New Kind of Graded Reader.
More audio, slides, and potentially video of additional talks will be posted on the BibleTech speakers page.
Upcoming Talks at BibleTech:2010
A couple of us are presenting at the BibleTech:2010 conference in San Jose, California. Weston Ruter is presenting:
Open Scriptures API: Unified Web Service for Scriptural Linked Data
The OSIS XML standard provides for a lot of free variation in the way it represents scriptural constructs (such as verse boundaries). Because of this, different OSIS documents encoding the same work may have vastly different DOM trees, which make automated traversal of arbitrary OSIS documents very difficult. Aside from this fact, the DOM is not a very programmer-friendly way to query for scriptural data to begin with. In this era of web services and mashups, having a standard, unified way to access scriptural data is a prerequisite for scriptural applications to take off in the same way that applications based on other common datasets have (such as maps). Furthermore, these scriptural datasets should be all explicitly interconnected as Linked Data of the Semantic Web, so that any metadata attached to a word in one translation would also be available to any other translation or manuscript by means of their interconnections. So while OSIS XML is āa common format for many visionsā, this talk will explore āa common API for many datasetsā; this will be a continuation of BibleTech:2009’s talk: āOpen Scriptures: Picking Up the Mantle of the Re:Greek ā Open Source Initiativeā.
James Tauber is presenting, in addition to āA New Kind of Graded Readerā:
Using Pinax and Django For Collaborative Corpus Linguistics
Django is a popular, Python-based Web framework. Pinax is a platform for rapidly building sites on top of Django, particular sites with a strong collaborative focus.
After introducing Django and Pinax, we will discuss Pinax-based tools the speaker is developing to help with web-based collaboration on corpus annotation with applications from lexicography to morphology to syntax to discourse analysis.
And there are many other fascinating talks lined up. Hope to see you there!