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BibleTech:2011 Talk: “Distributed model for interlinked text development”

Here is the talk proposal I submitted for presenting at BibleTech:2011 which is going to be March 25-26 in Seattle:

Open Scriptures API: Distributed model for interlinked text development

In the continuing efforts at Open Scriptures to produce an open platform for the development of scriptural data and its applications, work continues on the most fundamental layer: the representation of the scriptural text. This talk will look at a normalized way to store text in a relational database as tokens and structures, and also how such a text can be versioned as it undergoes continuous improvements (e.g. making a translation or creating a critical text); as the text can exist in multiple revisions/editions, it can also be branched so as to introduce variant or alternate readings; it can also be forked to introduce a new derivative work linked back to the original. (Much of this will be applying lessons from the Git distributed version control system.) In addition to links between text editions, the representation of links between different texts (interlinearization) will be examined at the level a single scripture server and also in the context of a distributed network of scripture servers which all have texts that are potentially undergoing development and how the interconnections between the texts can be maintained to enable scriptural linked data.

This is a continuation of last year’s talk, Open Scriptures API: Unified Web Service for Scriptural Linked Data.


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